The 2nd GeoPlanet – Earth and Planetary Research Centre Conference was held on 28–29 November. The meeting was kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot.
The GeoPlanet Center was established in 2009 as an institution bringing together five institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences: IGF PAN, CAMK PAN, IO PAN, CBK PAN and IO PAN. Its goal is cooperation in various research areas and popularization of science.

Welcome speech by Prof. Paweł Rowiński, IG PAS Director
During the 2nd GeoPlanet Conference (the first of which took place in 2009), representatives from all five member institutes delivered presentations. It was an excellent opportunity to showcase ongoing projects and identify potential areas for future scientific collaboration.

The meeting agenda included two discussion panels: one dedicated to citizen science and the promotion of science, and the other focused on the vision and mission of GeoPlanet, featuring the participation of the deputy directors for scientific affairs from the respective institutes. Both discussions sparked lively conversations among conference participants, highlighting the significance of these issues within the Polish scientific community.

Panel discussion on citizen science, from the left: Dr. Anna Foks-Ryznar (CBK PAN), Dr. Agata Goździk (IGF PAN), Dr. Anna Łosiak (ING PAN), dr Tomasz Kijewski (IO PAN), Prof. Jan Marcin Węsławski (IO PAN)
More than 40 people attended the conference. Events of this kind are integral to the programmatic activities of the GeoPlanet Center, and the majority of participants affirmed the genuine need for their regular organization.
See the conference program below:
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