Institute of Geological Sciences PAS
The Institute of Geological Sciences PAS (ING PAN) was founded in 1956.
The main research topics of the Institute are focused on:
- understanding the changes of geosystems in geological and historical time scales, primarily including the relationships between lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
- enhanced recognition of natural deposits including energy resources
- thorough analysis of interrelations between pre-industrial civilization and the natural environment
- characterization of extraterrestrial objects, terrestrial planets, Mars most of all, and development of methods useful for this research, in particular: geochemistry, particularly isotope geochemistry; isotope hydrogeology; mineralogy; paleoecology; sedimentology; stratigraphy; paleontology; tectonics; applied geophysics
Institute of Geophysics PAS
The Institute of Geophysics PAS (IGF PAN) was established in 1953 and it is the natural successor to the glorious tradition of geophysical research in Poland.
The mission of IGF PAN mission is studying geophysical processes, monitoring geophysical fields in Poland and training future leaders of the scientific community.
The Institute is a pioneer in the world’s seismology mining and statistical hydrology. In addition, IGF PAN conduct seismic experiments that allow the recognition of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle in Central Europe and in the polar regions. Futhermore, the observations of the average daily total ozone and biologically active UV radiation are carried out the longest time in the world.
The main research topics of the Institute are focused on:
- seismology and seismic studies of the lithosphere
- geomagnetism
- theoretical geophysics
- atmospheric physics
- hydrology and hydrodynamics
- polar and marine research
- monitoring of global geophysical fields in tems of seismology, geomagnetism and selected elements of atmospheric physics
Institute of Oceanology PAS
Institute of Oceanology PAS (IO PAN) was founded in 1983, as the successor to the Marine Station, in existence in Sopot since 1953.
The IO PAN mission is to generate knowledge for the understanding, and sustainable use and protection of marine environment. This is realized through the state of the art scientfic and technological research, both in the Baltic and the European Arctic.
The main research topics of the Institute are focused on:
- role of the oceans in climate change and its efects on European seas
- natural and anthropogenic variability of the Baltic Sea environment
- contemporary changes in the coastal ecosystems of shelf seas
- genetic and physiological mechanisms of the functioning of marine organisms, principles of marine biotechnology
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAS
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAS (NCAC) was established in 1978.
The main research topics of the Institute are focused on:
- high energy astrophysics
- nuclear astrophysics and dense matter physics
- stellar astrophysics
- asteroseismology
- dynamics of stellar systems
- cosmology and gravitation
Space Research Center PAS
Space Research Center (CBK PAN) was established in 1977. CBK PAN is the only institute in Poland, whose activity is fully dedicated to the research into terrestrial space, the Solar System, the Earth, using space technology and satellite techniques.
CBK PAN participated in the most prestigious international space missions such as: CASSINI (Saturn and Tytan research), MARS EXPRESS or ROSETTA (mission to the comet).
The main research topics of the Institute are focused on:
- to carry out research based on the results of satellite experiments on space physics and physical and geodynamic processes on planets and on Earth
- participate in international space missions and research programmes
- to construct space instruments and satellite components for research purposes
- to develop space technologies
- to use satellite techniques for terrestrial applications related to telecommunications, navigation and Earth observation
- to support the development of the Polish space industry through education, knowledge and technology transfer
- to educate doctoral postgraduates and cooperate with universities
- to promote space activities in Poland and worldwide
- to provide expertise to the Polish government, parliament and local governments